Request a service for your PandaPure

Submit your protein for Constructs Services
Define the scale of your experiments
How large is the culture volume you plan to do?
in how many replicates?
Do you have bacterial lysis reagent in house?
Other relevant information
Request a quote

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Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.
Please you check if the "input seq" is submitted correctly, in the format of FASTA file:

>protein name

where the protein name and sequence can be separated by a space, or a return.
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Service Contents and Pricing

PandaPure® Construct Service

Construct Service offers a comprehensive, end-to-end process of codon optimization, gene synthesis, cloning and plasmid amplification.

You will receive:

PandaPure Protein Construct
PandaPure Organelle Plasmid + PandaPure Expression Plasmid for protein of your interest
pET Control Construct
Gene of your interest cloned in pET-28a(+), suitable for traditional methods

Construct Service is priced based on the number of constructs, and the length of genes.

Base fee
per Protein Construct
Gene synthesis 1.8kb
for genes < 1,800 bp
Gene synthesis 3kb
for genes 1,801-3,000 bp
Gene synthesis 9kb
for genes 3,001-9,000 bp

PandaPure® Reagents

We will analyze your protein and specifications to recommend the best solution for reagents.

At the same price as if you were to order the reagents yourself.